Friday 29 June 2012

the book I am reading at the moment is called the fadeing , its about this boy called noel and he can turn invisible ... its just a strange book and is also writtern really oddly.

so one minute he is explaining somthintg really boring, like how coffee is dripping for ages.. the he tries to cut his own arm off. .... its quite hard to understand.
I  also really like the book called ready player 1,and it is all set in the future... if Idescribe it ,it will sound really bad ... so I wont describe it ... but I really like this book. But it also seems my attempt to put up a picture doesnt want to work :(

 But there are some books which I cannot understand, these are Known as the twilight books
 I cannot see how someone would publish that book  let alone three more .... why ... just why
twilight saga... could you have a stupider plot.

1. it was really boring.
2. it made no sense because she was always complaing bout things she wanted to do.
3. the characters annoy me.
5. you really dont need four books to explain that she falls in love with a vampire and the turns into one and gives birth and almost dies.

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